Explore Our Facilities

Robotic Arm setup

Smart Factory

BMW N47 Engine

Fault analysis and diagnosis of a Volkswagen Car using OBD

Cut Section Model of 4 Stroke IC Engine

CRDI (Common Rail Direct Injection) System of Diesel Engine with Sensors

CNC Machine Shop

Air Bag Safety System in a Car

100 Ton Universal Testing Machine

Vehicle Lightening System

Vehicle Anatomy Lab

SSPU Central Library

SSPU Central Library is housed in an independent building of 1830 Square Meter with huge Reading Hall, Digital Library Section, Reprographic Section, Reference Section, CD Library, Journals and Periodicals Section and well equipped with other facilities. As far as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is concerned the library is well equipped with ICT infrastructure. The Library is automated with Koha Automation software. The books issue/return system is implemented with bar-code facility. The OPAC of the Library is available on the web to browse the availability of books. Library has installed a User Tracking System to maintain the record of daily library visitors. DSpace Digital Library and Institutional Repository software has been installed to manage the digital collection of the university. The Library has a state of art Digital Library with 15 workstations for downloading E-books, E-journals from various subscribed databases. Library has good collection of print books, journals and periodicals. Its electronic collection comprises more than 2 Lakhs E-books and E-journals which can be accessible 24 x 7 on and off campus to the students, faculty and other research scholars. SSPU Central Library remains open from 9:00 am. to 9:00 pm. i.e. 12 Hrs in a day.