Research & Publications

Anuja Mohile

Research domain Clinical Nutrition Nutrigenomics, Sports Nutrition Pediatric Health, Women Health, Diabetes Mellitus
Paper Published

1. Unravelling the Link- A Comprehensive Literature Review of Type 2 Diabetes and Menopause Onset

2. Applications of Digital media for creating brand trust in International Markets

Journal /Issue

1. Cureus Journal of Medical Science

2. International Research Journal of Management Sociology and Humanities

Date of Publishing

1. 18th Dec/23

2. August’23

Abstracts/Papers submitted titles 1. Regressing maternal age for increased incidence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – USFN
2. Age at onset of menopause in Diabetic women with chronic kidny disorder- SRNMCON- NASHIK (IAPEN)
3. Association of age at onset of menarche with dietary factors – SYMHEALTH’23
4. Obesity, Psoriasis and Gut Dysbiosis – A Triology- A literature Review
5. Comparison of Age at onset of menarche between 10 -45-year-old Indian females and its association with the premenarcheal dietary and lifestyle patterns – Nutrition Society of India – NIN/ICMR Hyderabad
6. Obesity at your fingertips- Exploring the association between online food ordering apps and obesity in young adults- Health Confluence at Symbiosis
7.  Mothers’ Awareness of Nutrition Labelling in Packaged Snacks and Its Relationship with the BMI and Waist Circumference among 8 -12 old School going girls

Nalini Khatwani

Research domain Food Science, Food Labelling & Packaging, Sports Nutrition
Paper Published

1. Applications of Digital media for creating brand trust in International Markets

2. Unraveling the Link- A Comprehensive Literature Review of Type 2 Diabetes and Menopause Onset

3. Bioactive Components of Moringa Oleifera and Colocasia leaves and their uses in India Multipurpose cuisines

Journal /Issue

1. International Research Journal of Management Sociology and Humanities

2. Cureus Journal of Medical Science

3. International Journal of Agriculture and Animal Production

Date of Publishing

1.  August’23

2. 18th Dec/23

3. September’23

Abstracts/Papers submitted titles 1. Comparative Analysis and study of Global active pharmaceutical ingredients Supply chain, packaging and challenges faced – Universal Society of Food and Nutrition
2. A Review study on creating awareness and behavioral intention among consumers: An eye-tracking technology for food label packaging – SRNM-CON- NASHIK IAPEN


Anindita Ghosh

Research domain Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Nutraceutical and Gut Health, Renal Nutrition
Paper Published

1. Exploring the impact of optimised probiotic supplementation techniques on Diabetic Nephropathy- Mechanism and Therapeutic Potential

2. Effect of Prebiotics on Gut microbiota composition and Diversity in healthy individuals

Journal /Issue

1. Cureus Journal of Medical Science

2. International Research Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

Date of Publishing

1. 28th Feb ’24

2. Oct ’23

Abstracts/Papers submitted titles

1.Assessment of dietary adherence and compliance, impact on renal parameters among patients with CKD- Symhealth’24

2.Gut-health: Exploring knowledge, attitude and practices in diverse age group and geographic contexts -ICNC (IAPEN)2024

3.Effect of food Choices among college students on their body composition, bowel movements and menstrual cycle – Health Confluence 2024
4.The potential role of the gut microbiome in pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder – USFN 2024
5.Plant based diet-a sustainable diet in CKD – Paushticon 2023 (NSI)
6.Plant based diet a sustainable strategy in managing obesity in bipolar disorder – USFN 2023
7.Renal Specific Nutritional tool: A need of the hour-Symhealth 2023
8.Exploring the impact of optimised probiotic supplementation techniques on Diabetic Nephropathy- Mechanism and Therapeutic Potential – SRNMCON (IAPEN) 2023
9.Role of Nutraceutical in management of CKD – Symhealth 2023
10.Effect of plant based protein on the management and progression of CKD induced malnutrition – Symhealth 2022

Book Chapter 1. A comprehensive review on chia seeds: nutrient and phytonutrient profile and it ameliorative effects-Futuristic Trends in Agriculture, Engineering and Food Sciences, Volume 3
2. Food Supply Chain System: Charting the Path to Sustainable Food Systems-Futuristic Trends in Agriculture, Engineering and Food Sciences, Volume 3
3. Marine Derived Bioactive Compounds, Nutraceuticals and Functional foods for Neuromuscular Disorders-Advances in Nutrition-Volume -10
4. Millet Production in India-Millets and its Standardized recipes-Volume 1